Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Mommy Products

I am no expert when it comes to taking care of a baby. Teaching 5-6 year olds...I can definitely hold my own in that arena. So, when we found out we were pregnant I went into research mode. I had P.L.E.N.T.Y. of time to research because the Mister and I were terrified that the bottom would drop out from under us. We found out we were pregnant in early April and did not buy a single thing until mid September....can you say paranoid?!?

Anywho, I research the hell out of everything I purchase. I am a bit OCD in that regard. I swear by reviews and cross referencing. Here are the tools I used to research... OK when you search, go into the baby section and then sort by customer reviews...fabulous! Also, sign up for Amazon 2 day shipping for at least a year if you are a frequent Amazon shopper, such as myself.
Baby Bargains: Secrets to Saving 20% to 50% on baby furniture, gear, clothes, toys, maternity wear and much, much more!Tidbit about this book. Yes, it is somewhat biased...that's why you cross reference with Amazon, sigh...I have had too much time on my hands! Also, do NOT, I NOT buy this for your Kindle, it is awful (all jumbled up). Trust me on this. It was soooo annoying! Loved Lucieslist. Also, love the newsletter.

Now, for the products that I LOVE. I can't say that I couldn't live without them because let's be honest, plenty of women get by with virtually nothing. I; however, am not that woman. I enjoy products and because it took forever and a day to get pregnant (or so it felt) and because he will probably be our only one (back to I'm getting old or at least my ovaries and uterus are), I reserve the right to spoil myself and my little one...God help the woman who marries him!

Baby 411. I read this book before Coop was actually here. I kind of use it as a manual. It's way more accurate than the internet which by the way is not the best way to determine whether or not that poopy diaper is normal. Lesson learned.
Product Details

Aden & Anais Swaddling Blankets.  I registered for 8 of these bad boys. They are pricy...I think $35 for 4 and when we first brought Cooper home, we really didn't use them and I wasn't all that impressed. Well, that was until my sweet little angel became gassy and a smidge colicky. I wrap him tight in one of these and it's like magic! They are really large and stretchy. I HIGHLY recommend them if your little one is fussy!
aden + anais 4 Pack Muslin Swaddle Wrap

Halo Sleepsacks. My little mister is a winter baby and our room is above the garage so even with the heat cranked, our room is c.h.i.l.l.y. These micro fleece sacks are perfect and safe. Bonus! I also recommend the ones that come with the swaddle wrap for those fuss buttons. I just ordered a few!
HALO SleepSack Micro-Fleece Disney Wearable BlanketHALO Newborn Micro-Fleece Sleepsack Swaddle

Dr. Brown's Natural Flow 4oz Wide Neck Bottles. Before you jump down my throat for needing bottles and preach breastfeed, breastfeed, is my condensed story...flat nipples, nipple shields, jaundice baby, low milk supply, pediatrician required supplement, required to pump to ensure adequate feedings, cow's milk protein sensitivity, the end. I never intended on needing these bottles but having them has been a life saver! He gets little air through these. A bit of a pain to wash, but I'm ok with that.

Itzbeen Baby Care Timer. I rely on this little timer until several things happened, 1-sleep deprived, 2-husband went back to work and I was trying to remember everything while walking around in a sleep deprived fog, and 3- the little mister needed to be changed every 2 hours because he got a bad diaper rash because of the frequent mucousy poops. It remembers everything for you!!! Fabulous.
Itzbeen Baby Care Timer

The First Year's Infant to Toddler Tub with Sling. The sling feature is awesome; however, you will need a thermometer. I love the one we have, it is an Aquatopia Deluxe Safety Bath Thermometer Alarm. It works perfectly. While I'm the topic of bath time, here are two additional items that I LOVE. First, the monogrammed hooded towel from Pottery Barn Kids is lovely. It's oversized and super soft! Also, the Bath Luve is perfect to keep your little one warm when they are not submerged in the water.
Product DetailsProduct DetailsBath Luve Frog - Just Born  - Babies"R"Us

Fisher-Price My Little Snugabunny Cradle 'n Swing. The best features in this swing in my opinion are that it cradles and swings and the sound features. My guy loves sounds that mimic white noise. Now there is no white noise feature but their is a water sound that is close enough.

Mustela No Rinse Cleansing Fluid. Pricey. Smells wonderful. Worked fabulously when we could only sponge bathe The Coop. Now we use it for little clean ups, such as when our little milk monster gets lazy while eating and has a little milk creek running down his chin and for when his crazy legs kicks out of my hand directly into his poop. A definite worthwhile purchase.
Mustela PhysiObebe

Aveeno Baby Diaper Rash Cream and Triple Paste Medicated Ointment for Diaper Rash. My little guy had quite a diaper rash. He was having watery, mucousy bowel movements almost 20 times per day. Now I know people swear by the Burt's Bees...I didn't think it worked that well, plus it smells wicked awful. I could smell it on Coop ALL the time. I swear by the Aveeno mainly because it is soooo much cheaper than the Triple Paste.
Aveeno Baby Diaper Rash Cream, Fragrance Free, 3.7-Ounce TubeTriple Paste Medicated Ointment for Diaper Rash

My Fallible Purchases

Munchkin Warm Glow Wipe Warmer. Perhaps we will use this when we are changing him more consistently in his nursery. For now, it was a waste of $20. I don't even know how well it works because it hasn't been plugged or used. Loser Mommy.

Gerber Long Sleeve Side Snap Shirt. I bought these because I read that side snaps were the best for umbilical care. These shirts just rode up him and seemed to pull on his stump. I found that I had a few onsie type side snap...way better because they snap in the crotch.

Carter's Scratch Mittens. These are awful. He pulls them right off because they aren't tight enough around his wrists. While the Gerber ones have some pretty hideous prints and can be a little tight, the stay on! I have been a little chicken about trimming his little raptor claws, for now the Gerber ones will do along with the outfits that have them built right in...genious!

I am sure there will be more products that I love, as well as, more money that will be wasted...

Thanks for reading!!!


  1. Advice I have heard about clipping to bite his little finger nails! Sounds crazy I know-but you will know if you have skin and won't actually bit his skin. Heard this from a NICU nurse-she tells all the moms to do it! Just a thought! Have a great day!

  2. I'm a new teacher-momma too! My little one was born December 21st. Congrats to you!!
    I love many of the same items...we LOOOVE the itzbeen timer to death. What would we do without it?!
    The sleepsacks are great too--especially for this momma who, apparently, is not very good at swaddling! We also have the turtle thermometer, and I plan on getting that tub. We thought we could do without one, but after a few bathtimes, we've decided we do, indeed need one! :o) Babies are just too slippery! That bath luve is very intriguing...would you get the same effect from a hand towel? I'm curious! :o)
    I'm going to go get that aveeno rash cream too. Our poor little guy has a horrid diaper rash that we can't get rid of. Desitin soothes him, but the rash is still there.
    We tried the gerber mittens too, but our guy isn't a fan. He LOVES sucking his fingers. The onesies that come with the mittens are really nice though! We used the side-snap shirts for sleep shirts since it makes for easy access for night-time diaper changes.
    I LOVE your blog, and you've inspired me to start my own mommy blog! :o) I also don't want my teaching blog to turn mommy-centered!
    Hangin' with Mrs. Cooper
    Hangin' with Momma Cooper

  3. Also, it's much easier to trim his nails if you do it while he's sleeping! Not so scary when he's not squirmy :o)

  4. Your this post is very informative and products are very essential for every sweet baby.

    Baby Products Online

    Online Baby Products

  5. Mommy advice - don't use those mittens to prevent scratchy face - use socks! works better than anything else out there.

    And wipes warmers are a joke. No matter what, they hate wipes! Hot or cold LOL
